24 Tips To Stay Productive 24/7 in 2024

As we dive into 2024, it's the perfect time to supercharge our productivity and make this year our most accomplished yet. To kickstart your journey to peak efficiency, we've compiled a comprehensive guide featuring 24 invaluable tips to keep you productive 24/7. From mastering the art of time blocking [...]


The Catch-All Drawer: A Handy Tool for Staying Organized

Movie soundtracks have been incredibly popular in India, with a large majority of people enjoying this type of music. Several years ago, while visiting a friend's house, I noticed their audio cassette player and a stack of cassettes beside it. My friend encouraged me to listen to some music, [...]


What They Don’t Teach you about Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix is an incredibly popular topic on LinkedIn, as evidenced by the numerous search results it generates. Check this 99th page of the search results on LinkedIn, if you don’t believe it. However, many people still view it with awe, without fully realizing its potential. Before delving [...]


Let’s Troubleshoot Your To-do List

To do list or not to do list was never a question! As such, our working memory is too shallow to hold all that we must be doing and wish to do. To worsen the matter, the world around us keeps changing faster than we can cope with, in [...]


What is 5G of Time Management?

When we see successful people around us, we want to be like them. We too want to attain the heights that they have attained. Obviously taking inspiration from them is a great thing but it is often seen that we do not end up duplicating their success. Why does [...]

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