Ever wonder why the rich seem to keep getting richer while others struggle to make ends meet? The wealthy understand that accumulating wealth isn’t just about earning more money. It’s about making their money work harder and smarter. Instead of simply saving or spending, they invest in opportunities that generate additional income streams, allowing their wealth to grow exponentially. This concept of leveraging money—by investing it in assets, delegating responsibilities, and optimizing systems—is key to their success.

You can apply this same principle to personal productivity by letting systems and people (the more, the better) work for you in parallel while you focus on your core tasks. The goal is to maximize your efficiency and effectiveness by identifying delegation opportunities, strategically timing those delegations, and tracking their progress.

  1. Know and Track Your Delegations

Just as the wealthy invest their money at the right time to maximize returns, you need to delegate tasks at optimal times. Identify tasks that can be assigned to others and determine the best moment to delegate them. For instance, delegate routine tasks early in the day or week to ensure they are completed on schedule, freeing up your time for more impactful activities.

When we talk about delegations, it’s not just about people working directly under you. It includes anyone involved in delivering the outcomes you’re responsible for. For example, if awaiting client feedback is essential for your project, initiate that communication first thing in the morning. This keeps the feedback process moving while you handle other important tasks. Similarly, address emails that require responses while preparing a presentation so that replies may come in while you continue with other priorities.

Many of us understand the importance of delegation but often miss tracking these delegations or dependencies. Maintaining an inventory of all your delegations helps you stay on top of tasks and follow up with those who might be falling behind. Reviewing this list daily can help you optimize the benefits of their workdays.

  1. Identify and Create a Cohort of Automatic Systems

Look for opportunities that can enhance your productivity or advance your goals without your active involvement. For instance, consider the simple act of charging your phone. You can work comfortably while your phone charges. Identify similar opportunities where automatic systems can continue operating while you focus on more critical tasks. Automate repetitive processes, use scheduling tools, and implement productivity apps to streamline your workflow and reduce manual effort.

  1. Learn from How Chefs Produce Quality Dishes Just in Time

Chefs excel in time management, starting complex processes early to ensure everything comes together seamlessly. Why can’t we employ this philosophy in our day-to-day work? Often, we end up with missed tasks and last-minute delays due to a lack of comprehensive planning and organization. Chefs maintain a 100% inventory of their steps and ingredients, ensuring everything is accounted for and prepared in advance. Similarly, maintaining a complete to-do list and organizing your documents and materials meticulously can transform your efficiency. By knowing precisely what needs to be done and when, you can tackle tasks with ease and confidence, just like a chef in a well-orchestrated kitchen.

  1. Put Your Subconscious Mind to Work

Your mind is a powerful tool that can process information and solve problems even when you’re not actively thinking about them. Feed it with quality knowledge through books, podcasts, or videos. This continuous enrichment plants seeds that your subconscious mind can nurture, leading to insights and ideas that support your goals. Take advantage of downtime or passive learning moments to enrich your mental landscape.


Embracing the principles that drive wealth accumulation can significantly enhance your personal productivity. By strategically delegating tasks, harnessing the power of automatic systems, continuously feeding your subconscious mind with valuable knowledge, and staying organized, you can maximize your efficiency and effectiveness. Remember, just as the wealthy leverage their resources to grow their wealth, you too can leverage systems and people to achieve your productivity goals. Start applying these strategies today, and watch as your personal and professional success grows exponentially.

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(Originally published in Times of India on August 31, 2024)