How To Plan Your Day for Stress-free Productivity

Thou shalt plan your day before you get on to your work. Simple and profound, right? No one would disagree! And since it's easier said than done, this too goes in cold storage like many other such commandments. There are practical difficulties, most of which arise from the two [...]


Let us make you oops-proof

The human mind is quite peculiar: it's brilliant at connecting ideas and generating interesting thoughts, yet it often struggles to remember them. If you want to act on those ideas later, you must develop the habit of capturing them in one designated place. This is especially important because we [...]


Dos and Don’ts of Digital Calendar App

Digital calendar Apps are now ubiquitous and are critical for managing our schedules. Calendar Apps are easy to learn and use, but only if you use them with proper discipline, you could derive multifold benefits from them. It’s an irony but most people end up underusing and overusing the [...]



Last Friday, the 13th incidentally, I got a meme about Monday blues, which, I would say, captured the whole sentiment behind this phenomenon. It said, “FRIDAY THE 13TH IS STILL BETTER THAN MONDAY THE WHATEVER”. When I shared it back in Teams group chat, at my office, there was [...]


How to Make Filing Income Tax Return Feel Like a Breeze

“…In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” - Benjamin Franklin Since the former sounds easier, let’s talk only about the latter. Anxiety starts mounting all over the world as the Tax return filing date approaches. Your CA starts asking all kinds of [...]


The 1000 mistakes of my life!

Well, it's not the title of the next book by Chetan Bhagat! It’s the title of a virtual book that I have been writing for myself. It’s about celebrating every mistake that I make! Hold! This is not going to be some “be positive” fanfare, but a practical tip [...]


Dear (Business) Diary

Come December and we start thinking about business diary for the new year. "What do I want to do about it in the new year?" "Am I going to continue the way I did in the ending year or do something different?" I always had one major issue with [...]

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