How to Make Filing Income Tax Return Feel Like a Breeze

“…In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” - Benjamin Franklin Since the former sounds easier, let’s talk only about the latter. Anxiety starts mounting all over the world as the Tax return filing date approaches. Your CA starts asking all kinds of [...]


Having a bath? What would Archimedes do?

Everyone needs creative ideas all the time to solve tough problems in life, both personal and professional. One of my ex-colleagues, a voluntarily retired Indian Army General, said quite often, that he got his best ideas when he was at three B’s. I never asked him about what those [...]


How to Organize Your Knowledge Bits

I remember a sleepy afternoon, about 45 years back when my teacher, during my visit to his house, unexpectedly asked me if I collected newspaper clippings. When I shook my head no, he pulled out his stash of newspaper clippings and advised me to acquire this habit! Then and [...]


Around the World (Wide Web) in 80 Days

I got my website up and running, from scratch in 80 days, a little longer than what I had expected it to be, but it was ok, given that it had its fair share of stumbling blocks. If you are desiring to come up with a personal website with [...]


How to Deal With Tasks You Don’t Enjoy

"You know, I do my work generally quite well. I have a problem with just those tasks that I don't enjoy". This is one of the most common productivity complaints that I hear. Some don't enjoy accounting, submitting travel bills, and the like. Some don't like documenting their work. [...]


Top Ten FREE Digital Tools to Keep Your Organized

Technology has revolutionized our work environment totally in the last two decades. Several physical tools have given way to digital ones, in the form of Apps. Desktops Apps have lost their shine but they are still around. Few technology waves made web Apps as powerful as desktop ones sans [...]


How to work effectively with HARO!

HARO is a free service you can sign up for. Every day, about three times a day, they will send you a batch of inquiries from journalists. You can respond to the ones that are relevant to you and that you are qualified to comment on. This is one [...]

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